Case Studies

Delta Airlines

Los Angeles, CA
The Problem

Airports are full of challenges for teams, and LAX is no different. With multiple tenants and airport authority sharing power, Delta Airlines was in need of a simple way to track and locate all of their electrical panels and assets in one place.

Our Solution

Using floor plans, our onboarding specialists worked with Delta Airlines onsite to locate every panel in the terminal, capture images, and quickly enter the data into the CriticalAsset software platform. After just a few short visits, we were able to provide value to our customer, finding mislabeled panels, uncovering new assets and giving the customer a detailed digital view of their facility.

Using CriticalAsset, our customer was able to easily search for and find all their electrical asset data in the terminal with just a few clicks. When the Facilities Director decided to retire, he was able to provide the next team with a great knowledge base and resource for accessing important information, such as where a panel is fed from and which panels are critical.


City of Inglewood

Inglewood, California
The Problem

Host to the new SoFi Stadium, the City of Inglewood manages many buildings across a very busy city. With a plan room full of paper, a savvy team knew it was time for a better way to access critical plans and documentation.

Our Solution

Working together with the city, our team of data entry specialists uploaded plans and helped map out affected areas on power and lighting plans using the CriticalAsset software platform.

Using the Affected Areas feature, they were able to locate the problem receptacle from their office and send a technician to the proper location.


Saratoga Hospitals

Saratoga, NY
The Problem

Keeping an excellent record of electrical assets in a hospital is crucial, and having remote access that data is even more critical in today’s world. The facilities team needed the right technology to help grapple with complex operational requirements for inspections, patient safety, maintenance, and improvements.

Our Solution

CriticalAsset provided an easy-to-use software platform, which enabled the facilities team to quickly access all their plans and documentation from anywhere. Additionally, our onboarding team provided onsite data collection, locating and capturing images of all electrical panels, which helped Saratoga Hospital get organized for future inspections.

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